Q: Is this offer open to girls too?
A: Yes. It just seems like there is a bigger market for the guys so that’s why I came up with the slogan above.
Q: Are you a professional photographer?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this a joke?
A: No. I think there is a hole in the senior photography market and I am about to fill it.
Q: Do you provide other kinds of photography?
A: Yes! Documentary family and wedding photography can be accessed through the THOR*tography brand.
Q: You’re prices still are a bit steep.
A: That’s not a question.
Q: Why do your other kinds of photography cost so much more? Could I get my family pictures at this rate.
A: Why is BMW more than a 1989 ½ escort? This is type of senior photography is a different product than the family and wedding work by THOR*tography
Q: Can we have our pictures somewhere other than the spots you picked out?
A: Nope. Because of the nature of these sessions, the locations have been pre-selected. That said. If we can walk to where you want to go and back again in your time session. We can figure that out. I get to make the final call.
Q: I don’t think you’re the photographer for me do you know anyone else?
A: I have a huge level of respect for the following photographers and I am sure they will be able to take care of you.
Melissa Lile
Brady Kennison
Lauren O’Connell
Harbor Light